Monday, February 11, 2013

Blogging 101

Apparently to be a successful blogger one must:

1. Write about something which interest other people. Forget that nonsense and find a subject which interests you; a subject which lights a fire in the pit of your stomach and write about it with enthusiasm. If you do this the audience will find you. Remember the cliche, "If you build it they will come?" Well try it and see if it doesn't work.
2. Do it everyday. This is the one lesson I have not fully incorporated into my daily routine.
3. Be funny or sarcastic. Humor and criticism seem to sell especially if directed at    the agreed upon target of the day. It seems like the target changes at a pretty rapid clip in the caffeine fueled blogosphere.  These people of whom many have been legally diagnosed with ADD or ADHD  jump from one subject to another like rabbits on hot asphalt. This is not by any means a denigration of folks with any sort disorder because I have some of the same tendencies so I understand them better than people who are just normal.
4. Forget being modest.  You have to sell people on the fact that you are worth their time. There are literally millions of blogs in the blogosphere where a person can spend their time so why would they choose to spend it with you? What makes you special?

Updates to follow"

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