Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I was watching a video of a guy explaining what it takes to become a good writer and his top three suggestions were:
1) Know what you are writing about (your topic)
2:) Spend as long as it takes to write a good sentence.
3) Refer to numbers 1 and 2.

While I agree that 1 is important, I am not so sure about number 2. I have read books and articles written with such precision and nuance as to be intellectually mind numbing or narcolepsy inducing.
The more "intelligent" among us seem to believe that in order to get their point across they must use words learned in college or dug up in some obscure text, when the reality of the situation is the only ones impressed are themselves and others of their same ilk.

I guess I should ask what is a good sentence?

My theory on good writing is:
Just write from the heart and it will strike a chord with the right folks.
If your grammar and spelling are not up to par get someone to help you but don't let them "erase" your voice, which is the way you speak.

How to become fat on pennies a day.