Saturday, July 7, 2012

My opinion of Twitter...

Twitter is for people who are already popular (celebrities) not for folks like me who can't bribe anyone to follow them except people trying to sell crap or hookers trying to convince me, to pay them, to converse with me, on their webcam.

This has pretty much been the story of my life. Unless, I am buying dinner or drinks I can't get a woman to just hangout with me because they always have something better to do. I guess that comes with the territory when you are not all that interesting. The problem with that line of thought is I am pretty damn interesting if anyone would just take the time to find out.

Yes, I am a little nerdy. (Well ok a lot nerdy) (nerds make good lovers)
Yes, I no longer draw a very large salary. (Truth is I never did)
Yes, I am 48 years old and have never been married. (No Kids)
Yes, I have had lots of girlfriends. (Many for short periods of time)
Yes, I love to cook. (Very good at it)
Yes, I love to talk. (Especially, if I can get anyone to listen)
Yes, I watch lots of television. (Only when there is no one to talk to)
Yes, I like controversy. (But not cruelty)
Yes, I like Photography. (30+ years behind the camera and am still learning)
Yes, I spend lots of time on my laptop. (Only when there is no one around)

Now you see why Twitter is not for people like me or is it?

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