Monday, April 15, 2013

Why do we do? What we do?

Do you do things for the rewards you receive from others or for self gratification? In school we received stars for being "good" and demerits for being "bad" or in our case as a children we received whippings for being "disobedient" and nothing for being "obedient". This is actually an ineffective system because to avoid the whippings all we had to do was not get caught which made us pretty good at being sneaky. It offered no real incentive for being obedient.
Back to the original question, "How many of us actually do things because they are right for us instead of what someone else says is right for us?" As a teacher I watch as kids struggle in one subject while exceling in another because society and the education system demands they be proficient in all subjects. When are we going to learn to stop putting pressure on kids and adults and understand that if they need to know something they will figure out how to get it done. I know people who quit school in the 6th grade who have become multi-millionaires because they had abilities which can not be taught in a classroom.

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