Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm ALONE not LONELY so go AWAY!

When I first decided to watch this video it was for selfish reasons. I am alone a lot and it only made sense to find out what someone else may have to say about my state of being which I may not have already contemplated at some point in the past.

After, watching the video and deciding it was time well spent I felt the need to comment on it which should be fine seeing that I have spent some much time alone in my life.

Alone, is a place millions of people find themselves at some point in their lives and if one does not learn fairly quickly how to cope they will become depressed which leads to feelings of worthlessness and despair (loneliness) and in their desperation to alleviate their loneliness may become entangled in relationships which in the end will leave them even more despondent and alone and in a cycle of "failure".

While reading this "article" you may at times find I wander around a bit which is my style of writing, speaking, thinking, etc...

A few years ago, in 2004, I decided to attend a four year university and earn a degree in Psychology. To cut through the chase I am nine credits short but who's keeping tabs? (argh) I figured my life experiences made me the perfect candidate to be a Psychology major and I was correct in that many of the courses I took made perfect sense because I was already familiar with the material except when it came to Advanced Statics which I failed miserably, twice. So I left college with 9 hours left, "to protect my GPA."

Before college, I had been in the workforce for over 25 years, many of those years were spent in some form of Sales so I never had a problem, Winning Friends and Influencing People. My problem was and has always been an abject Fear of Failure in the sense that I do not like to disappoint other people. As a result of fear, I have always been somewhat of a procrastinator which if left unchecked will guarantee self destruction. In past relationships, I have walked away rather than take the chance of getting my heart broken not realizing or caring that my walking away broke a heart. I didn't care and as long as "my" heart was intact I knew I would be fine. This attitude if left unchecked leads to a state of loneliness somewhere down the road.

As I have gotten older I have actually learned to enjoy being alone with my thoughts, laptop, books, television, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, my blog, and the rest of the Internet. Hell, who has time for real people when there is so much to do without leaving the comfort of my home. J/K, but all of that stuff does make being alone just a little bit easier.

Contrary to popular belief I do get out of the house almost everyday. :)

My friend Denny sent this comment to my Facebook page:

Denis Abbott
I tried to leave a comment in the blog but after 2 tries gave up. It had something to do with a profile .... In any case, a couple of additional items that were not on the video. Fishing is a good activity. It allows one to gather one's thoughts and people are used to seeing people fishing alone. Driving the tractor while "farming" is an excellent use of time alone. Also, even better is learning a new skill while driving a tractor. I have heard that learning to yodel while driving the tractor has twofold benefits. First, you accomplish the farming task, and secondly, you can then hire yourself out as a yodeler at special events like Oktoberfest. 

To which I add: Any solo activity such as writingpainting, photography, bird watching, playing video games, working in the garden, walking, running, or just sitting in quiet contemplation (meditation), work to combat loneliness.

In my opinion, being alone is a time to recharge one's batteries. Loneliness is a whole different story and if the feeling persists for a prolonged period of time should be treated by a mental health professional. There is no shame in feeling lonely. People are by nature social creatures and some people need more human contact than others and when they are deprived become depressed.

As a side note: Many of the world's great accomplishments were achieved by a person working alone. I put the words "working alone" into Bing and nearly every article which popped up was a variation of the thought process of, "working alone or with others" it is as if the idea of working alone isn't worth exploring unless it is related to working with others in some form or fashion.

The original title before I decided to go a different direction was, I'm ALONE not DESPERATE so go AWAY! I may explore this angle later, just a thought.

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