Sunday, June 3, 2012

RATS are not just furry creatures with long tails!

There is nothing more disgusting than a RAT and most especially one of the human variety. To me there is a difference in someone being an informant and just being a lowdown dirty RAT.
An Informant is doing a service by allowing law enforcement another tool to use in their fight against crime whereas a RAT doesn't care about anyone but himself and how he is going to benefit.

I hate RATS because they have no souls and deserve whatever justice comes to them whether it be in the street, behind bars or in a court of law.
The worse kind of RAT is one who gets his "family" and "friends" involved in his rackets and takes them down with him or works to take them down just because he is to weak to man up and take his punishment.

I know a guy who is such a prick that whenever things don't go his way he runs to whomever is higher up the chain of command and starts whispering in their ear things that if he were a real man he could work out on his own without bring others into his mess.

Such people are everywhere so beware of those whom you take into your confidence because you never know into whose ear they may be whispering when you are not around.

For those of you who may be thinking,"Oh Crap, What has David gotten himself into this time?" Let me assure you that this has nothing to do with me it is merely an observation, But important to remember nonetheless.

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